Happy Earth Day everyone! What a fantastic day to be an Earthling and what better way to
celebrate the Earth than to do something eco-friendly? Like purchasing a pair of SOLOs made
from recycled bamboo and acetate. Today is a day to be conscious of your own actions and how they impact our environment.
A few ways to show our planet some love are:
Conserve water by taking a shorter shower
Preserve wildlife by picking up one piece of litter
Reduce your carbon footprint by riding your bike more
There are more ways than you think to reduce, reuse, and recycle so get those creative juices flowing and take some action!
Earth day is a day to celebrate, so indulge your senses by stepping outside. Take in
the beauty that is all around you. Treat yourself to a visit to your
local botanical garden, go for a nice hike or jog, watch the sunset after a long day at work or
just go explore! Our planet is beautiful so let us be thankful and treat her well.