Did you know that 4 out of 5 people who are blind in our world don't need to be? Their blindness is preventable or treatable. At SOLO Eyewear, we believe in bringing awareness to the need for eye care in our world and expressing gratitude for sight.
We reached out to invite our awesome fans to submit photos that they are #GratefultoSee and to tell us why. Below you will find the 9 finalists. The finalist who receives the most votes by May 2nd at 9:00am PST will win a $250 Travel Gift Card and 2 Pairs of SOLOs.
Each person is allowed to vote once a day.
Contest is now CLOSED! Tony P. won the contest and Rochelle R. was runner up. Congrats to everyone who participated and thank you to everyone who voted. We will host another Grateful to See Contest during the Summer. Stay tuned!